Monday May 28, 2018
Kick Ass People: Modern Mortician w/ Kermit the Dog
Monday May 28, 2018
Monday May 28, 2018
In this first installment of Kick Ass People, Brandon sits down with Melissa Unfred the Modern Mortician. A woman bent on making changes in the death care industry. From things like "green" burials to biodegradable caskets, the Modern Mortician believes changing the death care industry can not be done without being involved in the entire process which is why she hopes to bring change not only in death care but also in the way you and I percieve death.
You can find out more about Melissa and see pictures of Kermit the Dog on The Modern Morticians facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/TheModernMortician/?rc=p and http://themodernmortician.com/
This is the first of many Kick Ass People interviews. Be sure to subscribe to Emergency Exit Podcast on your favorite platform to be notified when there is new content.