Tuesday Aug 29, 2017
Emergency Exit 49 Gangsters In Tiaras and Clarity
Tuesday Aug 29, 2017
Tuesday Aug 29, 2017
Tonight we hang out with Krysti Subieta! We discuss influences, astrology, and she sings and plays her guitar LIVE! Later we will explore the claim that death of the People’s Princess, Lady Diana, was not what we were told. We have scoured the internet for clues that will make you ask, “Was Diana’s death really an accident?” And if so, “Why would anyone want her dead?” This is a tale of Gangsters in tiaras, leaping Lords a’ Lying, and Monarchy Malarkey.. Tonight we discuss the possible MURDER of Lady Di. http://www.krystisubieta.com/ Emergencyexitpodcast.com Twitter @ EmExPod
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