Monday Jul 08, 2019
Emergency Exit 112 Equal Pay for...Men?
Monday Jul 08, 2019
Monday Jul 08, 2019
112 July 8th
So, let's look at the numbers then…
To put it bluntly, female soccer players, just like female basketball players and female hockey players, are paid less because their respective sports make less. The total prize money for the Women’s World Cup in France this July was $30 million; the total prize money for the men’s 2022 World Cup in Qatar will be $440 million.
Racist or not?
Over the weekend, a white man called the cops on an black man.
Click on username. "No 1 race baiter"?
What is tailgating regarding buildings? What was the conversation like? Would you be concerned if someone slipped in after you, especially if you don't know that person?
The two grown sons of Peter Cukor, 67, criticized the Police Department for failing to respond to their father's call for help about an intruder on his property, noting that he had called a number that police describe on their website as an emergency line.
Package theft seems to be a big thing in SF
At what point exactly was this racist?
Did cukor have a legit reason to be concerned?
What are your thoughts?
Juxtaposed, this festival charging "NON POCs" twice the amount than POCs.
After (current)